The final get together in my (soon to be) old house happened on Saturday. Steve joined me, Jessica and Matt for a few drinks and a game or two. We played Jenga for a while before getting (Jessica’s favourite) “Simpsons Game of Life” out – I won for a change 🙂
On Sunday me and Jessica went bowling with Cara and Nick. Jessica did impressively well… she claimed she was going to beat me before coming clean and admitting she wasn’t very good at it. The letters on the score are confusing so for game 1 : Cara – 58, Roboshrew (Nick) – 69, Fuzzy (Me) – 130 and Conan (Jessica) – 97. An impressive double-strike from Jessica, but this was offset by her releasing the ball on one of her back swings and causing Cara’s life to flash before her eyes.
I think Jessica will be putting some pictures of these events up soon.