The last month has flown by here in Tea Towers (to be honest so has all of 2018…) but I thought I would quickly share some of our festive photos from the last month…

Emily took part in her last school Christmas performance – “Christmas with the Aliens”, we’ve enjoyed hearing her singing all the songs leading up to it and in this photo she is standing along side another girl next to the Christmas tree on stage.

Sam joined his school choir in performing at our local Walkden gardens as well as at a local Residential home – “feliz navidad!”

We really enjoyed decorating the tree (and Emily) when Nanny & Granddad came to visit.

Much building of Christmas Lego also took place.

We managed to get our Gingerbread house baked and assembled without any collapsing walls this year

Many lovely presents were opened on Christmas day – thanks to everyone & Christmas thank yous to come soon!