The Felton family have been enjoying our Summer break from school by catching up with a few local friends and doing a few lovely days out locally together.

Sam got to go into school for the last half term and had his last day in Primary with a small group of his class mates. He really loved getting to see more of his friends at the end of school picnic and hopefully he’ll be able to continue to see some of the lovely friends he has made over the 8 years he has been with them.

We’ve been out more over this Summer and have also had to visit a few shops to get in all the school supplies we need. Now I just need to spend a good few hours sewing in all the name labels!

Locally we are very lucky to have some beautiful parks and access to nice quiet walks like getting to wander down past the canal. Sam has enjoyed getting to sail his wooden boat that he finished making over lock down.

The kids have been really pleased to get to play in the local parks again now they have reopened. When we have been past and if it isn’t too busy they have loved climbing about on all the equipment again.

All our hours doing Karate in our dining room during lockdown paid off as we got to go in for our grading and we all managed to pass and move up a grade. Sam & Emily are proud owners of new green belts and I’m still just about staying a grade ahead of them with my new blue belt 🙂

Sam has discovered a new hobby, he has just started painting the very intricate Warhammer models. He took a good few hours very carefully painting this first model and is deservedly very proud of it.

We are also very lucky that we have so many beautiful National Trust properties to explore close to our home.

We have started trying to visit one each week and have had some great adventures in all sorts of places.

Though we have mostly been lucky with the weather we have had a few exciting sudden changes…

Good thing we are proper Northerners now and always bring our waterproofs!

And when the weather is sunny we have made sure that we sample all the ice cream on offer!