Christmas here at Tea Towers has been a little different this year – we have still managed to do a lot of our home Christmas traditions but because we’ve been unable to see friends and family this year we really wanted to share our photos with you all and let you know that we are missing you x.

To kick off the Christmas break a trip to the Krispy Kreme doughnut factory was a must to get hold of their seasonal doughnuts… these didn’t stay around for long!

Sam has been quite active in the kitchen this holiday making himself and Emily their Saturday evening meal each week.

Emily has enjoyed doing some of her Christmas Brownies activities, including making smores before having a camp out in Sam’s room and also taking part in an online Brownies Christingle service.

Sam & Emily very much enjoyed trying to work out who was attempting to ruin Christmas in the online Theatre production from Wrongsemble (

Much baking of gingerbread took place this year, not only did we make our own gingerbread house, but Sam & Emily also decorated a gingerbread caravan from their grandparents this year.

Our street was very lucky to have a visit from a brass trio who very kindly came out on a cold wet evening to play carols as they weren’t able to do their usual concert this year.

This is Christmas morning before the present unwrapping began… it took a lot of restraining to get this photograph taken before they were allowed to start 🙂

Rich is clearly delighted with his present of corn on the cob skewers and I am also very excited in this photo with my ‘Wooloo’ Pokemon toy.

We all really enjoyed eating our traditional turkey dinner, mmmm pigs in blankets 🙂

The weather has just turned quite Christmasy over the last few days in Sale, we’ve had two days of morning snow and the kids have had a great time having snowball fights and building a large number of snow people.

We really hope you’ve all had a wonderful Christmas, that you are all safe and well and that one day soon we’ll get to see you x