A very icy walk

Tea and crochetAfter 3 days of being snowed in at Tea Towers I was getting slightly desperate to get out and do something so Sam and I bravely ventured out. I spent about half an hour struggling to get the pushchair over the icy/snowy pavements fighting the whole time with the wheels that could only skid over the ice or get stuck in drifts of snow. We finally arrived at the baby group only to have to turn back as it had been closed due to the adverse weather conditions. Ah well.

Another half hour of careful trudging back as well as a quick stop in to the local Co-op at least meant that when we arrived home we appreciated it’s warmth. After a couple of lovely hot cups of tea and some relaxing time crocheting while Sam slept I now feel much more human and I think in the future I’ll just appreciate this weather from the comfort of the sofa.

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