After a lovely Summer break at home we’ve been busy getting back to school and celebrating two exciting Birthdays.

Sam started at his new high school in September and has really been enjoying getting himself there and back and being more independent. He is also happy to be with a good few local friends and has lots of nice teachers as well. Emily is up to year 4 now and has settled back in fine after the long lock down break. She is very happy to be back with her friends who she really missed and seems to be really enjoying her time in class.

Early on in the term we went off to explore the Yorkshire sculpture park and had a great time there. This was obviously my favourite sculpture… made me feel a little thirst though.

Richard quite enjoyed these ones and couldn’t resist framing his face.

For Emily’s Birthday we went to a local bowling alley which we had completely to ourselves for most of the time. It was good to be out but strange to be there by ourselves and having to wear our masks.

Emily wanted a Kirby Birthday cake so this is what Rich and I managed to come up with.

For Sam’s Birthday trip we headed out to the Dino Golf and had a great time together there (thankfully not getting too wet!).

I managed to convince Sam that this chocolate box type cake would be better than the very tricky hat space ship that he wanted doing from the game Mario Odyssey… it turned out very tasty 🙂

Last quick photo – Emily with the Autumn bouquet that she gathered for her daddy.