Hopefully all the issues with the site will have been sorted by now – I have moved the hosting over to a new provider. I want to share this video of Samuel and his bizarre habit of straightening his legs whenever we hold his hands. Is this something all babies do or just something Samuel has developed on his own?
Tag Archives: samuel
Merry Christmas
Hi everyone, I want to wish you a Happy Christmas and say thanks to everyone who has sent the family a present or card this year.
We spent our Christmas at Jessica’s parents along with her brother and sisters. Thank you to Jessica’s parents for feeding and housing us for a couple of nights – it was good to be spared the trouble of making the big meal. Me and Jessica were pretty pleased with ourselves as we think we managed Samuel’s first nights outside of the house well and didn’t panic too much 🙂
Samuel chose Christmas day to try out some new things, like rolling over and sucking his hand. He has yet to get the hang of the rolling over business (it is a bit early in his life) but he managed to get half-way and spill the water that I was using to clean him. You can see a video of Sam by clicking the link below.
I wish everyone a happy new year and hope to catch up with those I’ve missed as soon as possible.
Samuel Collage
Christmas Baby
Birds and Bees
Please forgive us Sam
Pics of Sam
It’s been a while since I’ve added anything to the blog – obviously Sam has been taking up all our time. I’m pleased to report that Sam is continuing to grow and is now about one and a half times the weight he was when we brought him home.
He is starting to enjoy playing on the play gym and now turns his head to follow you with his gaze. Recently Sam had to have a small procedure performed to rectify a tongue tie but he got through it with minimum fuss and is now able to feed better.
I’m going to create a Photobox album with some of our best pictures so family can print them out if they want. If you’d like to get access to this album, send me an e-mail and I’ll send the details.
More Sam
A new arrival
I just wanted to start this post off with a quick comment… myself and Jessica are currently undecided as to how much information we should put into the public domain about our son. At the moment we are simply going to stick to a photo or two and his forename.
I wanted to take this opportunity to let everyone know what has been going on over the last fortnight or so. Most of you will know that we are now parents and that baby Sam is making us very happy, but not everyone is aware of how difficult it has been getting here.
Samuel was not expected to be born until the end of this month but a routine doctor’s check at the end of September saw Jessica admitted to hospital for monitoring. They were worried about the rise in Jessica’s blood pressure and so she was admitted and for a week the staff of Mayday’s Hope ward tried to get things under control, before eventually deciding to induce labour.
The labour was very painful for Jessica as inducing leads to very strong contractions. After almost 24 hours of labour things looked to be going well but a new concern arose around the regularity of the baby’s heart beat. It was decided that an emergency caesarean was required and suddenly a lot of people appeared to sign off the operation and to perform it. I was led to an area where I could put on some scrubs and after what seemed like a lifetime I was allowed into the operating theatre. I sat by Jessica’s head reassuring her whilst her shoulders downwards were obscured by a sheet.
We were both very scared but tried to cope as best we could, then we heard a little whimper but were almost convinced we hadn’t. A second later Samuel gave a proper cry and we knew he had been safely delivered. Sam was wiped down and swaddled in towels and I held our tiny son close to Jessica whilst the surgeons took care of sewing Jessica up. Sam needed no help breathing which was a great relief as I thought being delivered after just 37 weeks may have given him problems.
After the operation I met up with Jessica in the recovery ward where I had been waiting with Samuel. The nurse checked Samuel’s blood sugar level and found it to be very low so he was carted off to the Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU) with me in tow. Samuel would not emerge from the unit for another week (finally coming home yesterday). During Samuel’s stay in SCBU we visited him for several hours every day and were relieved to see the number of cables/tubes attached to him gradually lessen until he was just in a simple cot. Once a regular feeding pattern was established he was allowed to come home.
In the meantime Jessica has made an excellent recovery, going from exhaustion and Morphine on day one, to a wheel chair on day two and walking around the day after. Her recovery has been amazing and she has always thought of what she can do for Sam despite us urging her to concentrate on her own recovery first.
So it has been an emotional and stressful two weeks or so but we are now happily back at home where we can be a proper family. I want to say a massive thank you to all the staff in the Maternity unit at Mayday hospital (Hope, Labour and Mary wards + SCBU). Although we may have been occasionally frustrated it is obvious that mother and baby are at the heart of everything they do and they have been fantastic. Also thank you to all the people who have sent presents, cards, texts and e-mails – we have enjoyed reading them all.
Second scan
Today Jessica went for her second scan and we got to see Bump on TV again. Lately we’ve been aware of Bump’s presence thanks to the occasional tremor of Jessica’s tummy in response to Bump testing her limbs. We also know the sex of Bump now but there are some people that don’t want to know the sex yet so I’ll continue to use both he and her in my blog posts.
Bump was facing downwards during the scan so we haven’t got the classic scan photo of bump but you can still see some detail. Comparing the three month scan to today’s pictures is amazing – we can now see a defined spine and during the scan we could see all four chambers of the heart pumping away at around 160bpm. All the measurements came back normal so everything seems fine for Bump and the due date remains the same.
Now our house move is complete I’ll hopefully have some time to post a bit more on the blog. For those of who doubted the Fidget wheel counter would ever be complete… the picture on the left shows the latest progress. I’ve managed to hook up an LCD screen and now need to display some text on it – not sure what I’ll do to get it the right way up though!
I’ll keep the blog updated with progress 🙂