Sam visits cousin Katie

img_1854Sam has just got back from cousin Katie’s house where he spent the afternoon (we went with him too). Marcus treated us to a lovely roast dinner despite being a little worse for wear after a night of partying.

Me and Jessica had a go on Guitar Hero on the Wii. This is the first time I’ve had a go at any of the numerous Guitar Hero games and I was pleased when I managed to complete my first performance without being booed off. Sadly I decided to up the ante for my second attempt and failed to complete the song.img_1847

Samuel was very good for all the travelling but eventually got bored and a little upset. We’ve made a note to add some toys to the piles of supplies and equipment that we need to carry whenever we take him out.

Jessica has finally given me permission to publish a couple of the interesting things she’s said and I can continue the mouth-of-Jess feature.

“Jessica forgives but she doesn’t forget… she’s like a Camel”

“Alfresco means without trousers”*

* Note, Jessica is keen to point out that this was a joke and she was referring to the fact that Katie had just lost her trousers in an overenthusiastic hanging by the ankles game.

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