Author Archives: Richard

Found this entry in the booklet that T-Mobile sent me with my new contract.

Telephone Menu Shortcuts
These shortcuts will enable you to get your questions answered quickly.
Shortcuts are only available when dialling 150 from your T-Mobile phone in the UK.

Balance and Allowance Press 1>1
–other shortcuts–
Report your phone lost or stolen Press 4>1


Me and Jessica have been taking a walk at lunch time for the last two days. I am not sure how long we will keep it up but it’s interesting (and slightly sickening) to see all the massive houses in Kingswood. An interesting game is to have a look at the satellite picture and see how many swimming pools you can spot. The place in the middle of the map is where I work.

Me and Chris signed up for a seminar yesterday that will take place on the 12th April before my Taekwondo grading. Whilst they are calling it a seminar it is actually a class taken by the TAGB Chairman: Mr. D Oliver (7th Dan). Apparently he has trained self-defense and offensive skills to the SAS amongst others. There will be 50 people there in total and I have been advised to tense-up if he uses me for a demonstration – apparently he doesn’t pull his punches.

Still not very flexible – last count, I am one inch away from being able to touch my toes without bending my knees.

I was browsing around the web (after a conversation with my sister) and I am across this. For people who don’t know, my surname is Felton and I was amused to find this old fire department in Delaware. They have their own badge and everything!

Also slightly amusing that they used to have the “Bird’s club house” until it burnt down. I hope that I am not laughing at a tragedy that involed loss of life – if I am then I am very sorry.

Well the phone finally sold on eBay yesterday… I got a decent price for it and there were no scammers in sight (thanks to changing some auction settings). Unfortunately the scammers have stopped emailing me now – it seems my last reply was too sarcastic.

Aching, thanks to a hard Taekwondo session last night. We went through some of the self-defence moves again but I am sure I will forget them if I ever need to use them. Development on the Taekwondo website is temporarily suspended whilst design issues are addressed. As soon as it is in a fit state I will post a link here.

The photo gallery for is nearing completion. I have written the script to display the pictures but I need some help from Jessica to do the css stuff to make it look nice.

This weekend we (me and Jessica) uploaded a batch of images from various trips and holidays. You will soon be able to view them at I need to write a nice PHP photo album page to facilitate this.

I did all the image manipulation (scaling and rotation) using mogrify which is a useful linux command line tool for doing batch conversion. I then used sitecopy to easily upload them all whilst we watched a film. The film was “The 40 year old virgin” and it was better than I thought it would be – but not outstanding. Funniest bits were when they all tried speed-dating and the converstations between the not-so-good-lucking-but-funny guy and the one who was in friends briefly (I think he was Pheobe’s boyfriend).

More PS3 woes. It seems that attendees at Destination Playstation (recently held in Miami) received no new information on the PS3 – by all accounts they didn’t even see one! We now have to wait until E3 (early May) to hear anything.

Spring starts around March 21st and Summer starts around June 21st. Sony have a hell of job getting something from a first proper announcement to the shelves in just over a month. No one thinks they will do it but Sony are still sticking to their guns.

The most annoying thing is that Sony gets away with it! They know I will buy one, so they can mess me around all they like knowing I can’t make a stand and ignore their product at launch.

More fun with the scammers….

Thanks for the mail,

What the biteme all about we want you to send the tracking number so we can relase your postal order,can we know if you are still selling the item.

Many Thanks

What can you do when faced with such stupidity? I might send them one more e-mail but I think the best tactic is to ignore them.

Persistent people these scammers. Even though Ebay has deleted their account they still insist on following up their previous ‘nochex’ email with.

Dear Seller,
We would like to inform you that the buyer of your eBay item has made payment and we would want you to provide us with the shippment tracking number and as soon as we receive it and it is valid,your payment would be sent to the name and address you have provided to the buyer and we would also like you to know that your payment is safe and secure and it is here with us and we would want you to verify the address where the postal order would be sent to,if it is correct then you have nothing to be worried about,and you are not under any circumstances to release the tracking number to the buyer,get back to us asap.
Thank you

So I have sent them this reply:

The tracking number is : biteme


Childish I know – they are probably too busy swimming in cash to bother getting annoyed with my minor e-mail.

I put my old mobile phone on Ebay on Sunday and was surprised when it sold within a couple of hours thanks to their “buy-it-now” option. The buyer contacted me asking me to despatch the item to Nigeria and how much would it cost (despite me only shipping to the uk) – I told them £12 and got his response:

Dear Mr R Felton ,
Thanks for using Nochex®,well this is the right Nochex®,your money is £132,for ebay item#91086***** money is paid in by Tina Cole has been Approved. Due to the fact that most sellers don’t send the item despite the fact that buyers have paid for the item,so we made the policy that sellers must ship out items withing 24 hours of payment and send us the tracking number for verification.
You are not expected in any circumstances to send the tracking number to the buyer.Below is the address where the postal order will be sent to.if the address is not correct please mail us back.

There is more but it quickly gets boring. How stupid do they think I am…. Please send the item because we can write an email (with very bad English) – losers. The most annoying thing is that some people fall for it. Use Paypal or ensure the funds are CLEARED in your bank. This is going to annoy me for a while now 🙁