Stuck at home today – I think a lot of BBC staff are attempting to use the remote access software and as a result it isn’t letting me in 🙁
There are some advantages though – the view from my desk is much better.
Samuel is making quite a range of vocal sounds now. He was making a lot of noise until we pointed the camera at him and he calmed down a bit. Apologies for the low quality… a quick reminder that there is a higher quality version available but you’ll need to e-mail me for details.
Sam has just got back from cousin Katie’s house where he spent the afternoon (we went with him too). Marcus treated us to a lovely roast dinner despite being a little worse for wear after a night of partying.
Me and Jessica had a go on Guitar Hero on the Wii. This is the first time I’ve had a go at any of the numerous Guitar Hero games and I was pleased when I managed to complete my first performance without being booed off. Sadly I decided to up the ante for my second attempt and failed to complete the song.
Samuel was very good for all the travelling but eventually got bored and a little upset. We’ve made a note to add some toys to the piles of supplies and equipment that we need to carry whenever we take him out.
Jessica has finally given me permission to publish a couple of the interesting things she’s said and I can continue the mouth-of-Jess feature.
“Jessica forgives but she doesn’t forget… she’s like a Camel”
“Alfresco means without trousers”*
* Note, Jessica is keen to point out that this was a joke and she was referring to the fact that Katie had just lost her trousers in an overenthusiastic hanging by the ankles game.
Have you noticed the weird design on the back of some of last year’s coins? Steve and I collected one of each value and put them together to form the image on the left.
In other news, I’ve created a special section of the site where I am going to stash some videos of Sam. It’s password protected so if you’d like to have a look send me an e-mail and I’ll give you the details.
The videos are in the same format as the one in this post so if you can see that you should have no problems with the others.
Hopefully all the issues with the site will have been sorted by now – I have moved the hosting over to a new provider. I want to share this video of Samuel and his bizarre habit of straightening his legs whenever we hold his hands. Is this something all babies do or just something Samuel has developed on his own?
I apologise if the site is behaving a little strangely at the moment… I am currently doing some technical stuff behind the scenes and all should be back to normal in the next few days.
I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year.
2008 started pretty badly for me and Jessica – sat in the flat nursing a cold whilst our relatives went out to the fireworks in London. However this was not an indication of the tone of the year which turned out to be the biggest one of our lives. We’re very thankful for our son and our new house and can only hope that 2009 is just as kind to us. Thanks to friends and family for all the help you have generously given us in the last 12 months.
One of my presents from Jessica this year was a bonsai tree. This particular variety is a Chinese Bird Plum and has been growing very happily in the kitchen since it was bought in mid-December. It has grown so well that I (nervously) had to trim it yesterday to try and bring it under control.
You can see the results in the before and after pics here. I’m hoping that I can make it into something special over time but that requires some intelligent trimming and re-potting. There are loads of bonsai resources on the Internet but I might need to get a book to help me.
Hi everyone, I want to wish you a Happy Christmas and say thanks to everyone who has sent the family a present or card this year.
We spent our Christmas at Jessica’s parents along with her brother and sisters. Thank you to Jessica’s parents for feeding and housing us for a couple of nights – it was good to be spared the trouble of making the big meal. Me and Jessica were pretty pleased with ourselves as we think we managed Samuel’s first nights outside of the house well and didn’t panic too much 🙂
Samuel chose Christmas day to try out some new things, like rolling over and sucking his hand. He has yet to get the hang of the rolling over business (it is a bit early in his life) but he managed to get half-way and spill the water that I was using to clean him. You can see a video of Sam by clicking the link below.
I wish everyone a happy new year and hope to catch up with those I’ve missed as soon as possible.