Category Archives: Uncategorized

Our cake won first prize! There were two categories – “Best name” and “Best Decoration”. Our cake won the top prize for decoration and a prize for best name went to “Socks and Sandals”. The fashion crime that is socks with sandals is committed by a handful of people at my place of work every Summer 🙁

Me and Jessica are just playing with the style sheet for the website but after that I will upload photos of our cake.

All new! – my blog is now translated for the street.

Got hold of Onimusha – Dawn of Dreams last night but only had a chance to play an hour of it. It is just as compelling as the other games in the series (3 was a bit wierd though). Not sure why hacking up demons (by continually bashing the square button) is so much fun – oh well! Recommend it to anyone who has played the older versions or if you just like slicing things. Otherwise, wait for Tomb Raider legend, I have played the demo and it plays really well – pity the full game is a bit short…. complete it and trade it.

The reason I only got a quick go on the game was that I had to ice a cake for a competition at work. The job structures are changing and we had to make a cake on a past or future theme related to this. Pictures of the cake will be up soon and I’ll report how we got on (Me and Matt made the cake) when prizes are announced!

Just a quick note about man-flu. It seems a lot of people are unsure as to what this actually means. On the way in to work Chris said he thought it meant a hangover. My understanding was more along the lines of this – a cold bad enough to cause you to stay in bed. No doubt the linked definition was written by a woman. I was very ill – honest!

I’ve been ill (with “man-flu”) the last few days but today I finally stayed awake long enough to watch a film. I have had the special edition of Alien3 and I have just got round to watching it. It was difficult to decide whether the re-cut was better as I am quite used to the first version now and watching a new one is a bit disorienting. One annoying thing was the lower quality of the audio on the extra scenes – there were also occasional “pops” when switching from extra scenes to the original scenes.

I think the film makes more sense with the extra scenes as there are more links back to the other films and a little more explanation for the actions of the characters. If you haven’t seen this film yet I would recommend you watch the special edition.

A few of us went to see Phantom of the Opera at her Majesty’s theatre last night. We had fantastic seats on the front row of the grand circle, right in the centre. Some of the stage effects were really impressive, with the highlight being the descent into the Phantom’s lair for the first time. I think you need to be higher than the stalls to get the full effect of the boat ride through the ‘swamp’.

The only bit I didn’t like was the bits of song where there were three people singing at once and I couldn’t follow what was being said. Extra credit for the girl in the monkey costume during the masquerade scene – a lot of impressive ballet type moves.

The only other show I have seen is Chicago… whilst I enjoyed both productions I would recommend Phantom as this was more of a spectacle. I enjoy the songs from Phantom as I remember playing them at high school when I was in the concert band. So which show will I be going to see next? Not sure to be honest, the concert band used to play tunes from Les Miserable so perhaps I will enjoy that one.

Another PS3 news digest…

The PS3 will be launched globally in early November 2006. However, rumoured screw-ups with the compiler mean the launch titles may fall well short of the console’s potential. There is still no confirmation on whether it will ship with a hard-drive or if this will be an extra. The controller for the PS3 will be shown at E3 in May but until then there will be no information on this front.

The PS3 will be region free in terms of games and so it is possible to release one version of a game for the whole world (with all the necessary data on the high-capacity Blu-Ray disk). Whilst this initially looks positive I think it unlikely that they will take the time to translate all the games released in Japan into English. So you can play the latest games from Japan but you cannot understand them 🙁

The Playstation Hub will launch with the PS3 and it remains to be seen how good this will be. All the usual buzz-words such as “episodic” and “bonus content” are flying around but time will tell if it can rival XBox Live. It is a tall order to get such a complicated service right the first time….

For a much more in-depth view of the latest PS3 news, go to GameSpot – my source for all this info.

This is a leaflet showing some toys that are supposed to be Pooh dressed in an animal costume. My sister has obtained three of them and the picture cannot do them justice – they look like an animal has swallowed the fictional bear… especially the guinea pig!

You can get them from vending machines and they come in little plastic pods. Apparently they are great for attaching to your mobile and you should collect them all. So what are you waiting for? If you are in Huddersfield there is a vending machine at the UCI cinema.

On closer inspection I found a web address. There are even more of them – who (apart from my sister) buys this stuff at a quid a pop?

Click on the pic to see a larger version.

Yesterday Fedora Core 5 was released and in a few weeks we will have SuSE 10.1. SuSE and Fedora are the only distributions I have dabbled with and for some reason I am quite excited about installing the latest version.

The question is why? I am going to go through the hassle of re-installing just to have the latest version – will it make a difference to my PC based activities? Probably not. Yet I still feel compelled to do it – does anyone else have this problem with software – only the latest edition is good enough?

Sony have announced that the PS3 will be launched globally in November. I hope they are not going to delay again and put it back some more – Jessica has promised to buy me one 🙂

Found this entry in the booklet that T-Mobile sent me with my new contract.

Telephone Menu Shortcuts
These shortcuts will enable you to get your questions answered quickly.
Shortcuts are only available when dialling 150 from your T-Mobile phone in the UK.

Balance and Allowance Press 1>1
–other shortcuts–
Report your phone lost or stolen Press 4>1


Me and Jessica have been taking a walk at lunch time for the last two days. I am not sure how long we will keep it up but it’s interesting (and slightly sickening) to see all the massive houses in Kingswood. An interesting game is to have a look at the satellite picture and see how many swimming pools you can spot. The place in the middle of the map is where I work.

Me and Chris signed up for a seminar yesterday that will take place on the 12th April before my Taekwondo grading. Whilst they are calling it a seminar it is actually a class taken by the TAGB Chairman: Mr. D Oliver (7th Dan). Apparently he has trained self-defense and offensive skills to the SAS amongst others. There will be 50 people there in total and I have been advised to tense-up if he uses me for a demonstration – apparently he doesn’t pull his punches.

Still not very flexible – last count, I am one inch away from being able to touch my toes without bending my knees.