Author Archives: Richard

Fuzzy Baby

The photo on the right is a fuzzy image from a scan of Jessica’s tummy. I just wanted to share this with all our friends and to announce that we are expecting to be parents later this year.

At the moment Bump is around 7 cm from head to base of spine. The picture doesn’t really do him/her justice… there was a lot of activity when we were watching the scan with Bump jiggling about all over the place.

I am glad that we don’t have to keep it a secret any more – we’ve been having a few problems explaining why Jessica has been more tired than usual and not drinking alcohol πŸ™‚


Hi, as some of you probably know I haven’t been out of the house much lately due to what has now been diagnosed as Gastroenteritis. Thankfully this seems to be fading away now and I should be back to my old self soon. This is good timing as I have just about had my fill of daytime TV and the stock of programmes on the DVR has diminished considerably over the last week.

Anyway, this is mostly a picture post – me and Jessica went for a walk in the shortly lived snow on Sunday:

Unfortunately Lewis Hamilton didn’t do too well in the race, despite me wearing the hat in support.

Expanding her repertoire of impressions… Jessica attempts a snowman.

And finally, a shot of fidget. Everyone comments on how well behaved and cute she is when they see her. This is the view we see when we put a DVD on, shortly followed by her gnawing the bars in an attempt to draw our attention.

Dog film sequel

After a month of production we were finally able to hold a screening for the skiing film. Twelve of use went out for a meal at the restaurant formerly known as Malay House and then walked over to the flat for the first viewing of the DVD. Unfortunately the restaurant has had a change of name, menu and staff and isn’t half as good as it used to be πŸ™

Anyway, I forgot to take a picture of everyone watching the film so I have taken one of the DVD Easter eggs and youTubed it. You may remember Steve’s dog film from a post last year…. here is the sequel.

More animal news

Firstly of the plant variety – we finally have a proper chilli on our plant! Now we just have to decide when to eat it πŸ™‚

One person that won’t be eating the chilli is Cerbert (we think that’s his name). Pictured on the left are my very white hands holding our latest guest. We are looking after the African land snail for a few weeks for my sister and her FiancΓ©e.

Cerbert has been hibernating for the last 3 months but was so excited about coming to see me and Jessica that he broke the calcium seal (he had made to hibernate behind) on the trip over to our flat. We hope we can make him feel at home and that we can return him rested and well.

If you’d like to know more about the snails try this guys slightly eccentric website.

Fidget and the boot

We had Fidget out for her usual run in the hall this evening but she was much more energetic than usual. There is a corner of the door in which she likes to dig but today I put one of Jessica’s boots there to stop her further damaging the paint work. Fidget wasn’t too pleased and tried to get behind the boot – things looked pretty funny so I grabbed the camera. The footage below shows what happened when fidget tried to climb the door using the boot as a starting point.

No hamsters were hurt in the production of this short film.

Video: Hamster and boot

From the mouth of Jessica

Seeing as Jessica likes to record my alleged daftness in her section of the site; I thought I’d record Jessica’s opinions on a story we saw on BBC news this morning.

The story was about the urbanisation of Peregrine Falcons and mentioned that they were the fastest animals on Earth. Jessica however, does not believe this – she points out that the Falcon is fast when swooping and that it is effectively just falling – “I bet an elephant would fall quite fast if you dropped it.”

Not sure if this series will continue… it is dependant on material from Jessica πŸ™‚


Me and Jessica have spent the last week or so at 1800m above sea level in France, as we were lucky enough to be invited on a skiing holiday with friends from work. We went to the resort of La Plagne and stayed in one of the SkiBeat chalets there. The chalet was lovely with great meals cooked every night by our chalet hosts. Generally we were too tired after a hard days skiing to do anything but sleep after we had been fed. Perhaps the lack of late nights was one of the factors that led to none of the eleven people in the group seriously injuring themselves.

The views from the chalet and piste were fantastic and I’ll put some photos in the gallery soon in case you don’t believe me. We could see Mont Blanc across the valley and I was amazed by the size of the resort which butted up against other resorts on most sides. Thankfully the altitude didn’t affect us in any noticeable way and we got used to the occasional ‘ear-pop’ on some of the long chair lifts.

The chair lifts were interesting…. on day one our instructor took us on without skis but on subsequent days we were able to do things properly. Our first attempt saw those on the lift fall over each other as they left the chair but we gradually got better at it. The worst lift experience I had was when one of my skiis decided to stay at the bottom of the lift and was carried up by the next passenger – skiing off the chair on one ski was challenging.

Our ski instructor (Valerie) took us through the basics and on day two we were going down red runs! Actually we were never supposed to go beyond blue runs but the thought of getting the bus back down the hill led to me, Jessica and Duncan sliding down a red run after our second day of lessons. After three days we were able to tackle most of the blue runs and our confidence improved until we could do them all.

It was amazing how everyone went from being unstable and falling to successfully navigating blue runs in just three days. I really enjoyed myself and I’d like to extend a big thank you to Chris for organising the trip.

I took the video below on my third day – it is on a green run which explains the lack of speed.

Video: Green run at La Plagne

Amaryllis pictures

Our Amaryllis has given us 8 flower heads (so far) and so I decided to test out my new camera and get a few snaps of them.

A few hours after the pictures were taken, one of the heads decided to fall off. This was strange as we hadn’t touched the plant and were both the other side of the room – lets hope the other heads last a bit longer. I’ve just had a quick look at how to care for the plants and found this site. It seems to suggest that we should put the bulb in the fridge after it has finished growing this year. I’m not too sure about this advice and may seek another source.

More Chilli (+squirrel) news

After a problematic start I think we are now on our way with our chilli plant. As shown in the picture on the left, we now have a few flowers and we are hoping they will turn into chillis soon. I was advised not to shake the plant to fertilise it, so I’ve given the flowers a tickle with a feather… not that I think it makes much difference but what the hey.

Also showing promising signs is the Amaryllis that Jessica’s Granddad gave us for Christmas. He challenged all his grandchildren to see who could get the most flowers on their plant. I think we have a good chance with the three heads we are soon to see flower.

Finally, after a whole year of spending on my Sony card I have finally got enough points for a camcorder. On Saturday morning we were awoken by the sound of something hitting the bars outside our window. On investigation we found a squirrel had located our bird feeder and was intent on liberating its contents. I used my newly acquired video camera to capture the footage below. Apologies for the voice-over – I had just woken up and I have a bit of a cold.

Video: Squirrel outside our window