Category Archives: Uncategorized

Sam starts earning his keep

Working boySam has decided that he wants to follow in his father’s footsteps and become an electrical engineer (computer geek) as well. So today we headed off to his new work place and got him settled in. After quickly adjusting his seat and screen height he was typing away and answering technical phone calls like a pro!

While Sam occupied himself with this I had a quick meeting with my line manager to discuss the possibility of taking a career break for a couple of years. I’ve applied for it and if it gets approved then it looks like I’m going to be at home with Sam for a while longer. However, now that Sam is working perhaps I won’t need to go back myself at all!

Dad’s Birthday

Sam playing with his GrandadJuly is certainly the month for Birthdays in my family with my sister’s, mine and our dad’s all being within 8 days of each other. To celebrate my dad’s Birthday we invited him and mum around for some lunch and were also lucky enough to have Thea, Marcus and Katie come round too.

Sam seemed to enjoy a slightly quieter time with all his family and played nicely with Dad as well as being good enough to have his mid day nap while we all ate lunch. For some reason I went a little over the top with the amount of food so we’ve now got a fridge full of leftovers which should see us through the next week!

Birthday time!

Jessica presents Harriet HedgehogYesterday I had another 27th Birthday (this time it was a big 27th…). Rich took the day off yesterday so that I could have a nice long lie in on my Birthday as well as taking it easy for the day. There were lot’s of lovely presents for me to enjoy in the morning and in the evening we had some very tasty Indian takeout which I followed with a nice relaxing hour in the bath – aaah!

Today though was when the celebrating really happened as I invited some of my friends around to Tea Towers for a Birthday BBQ. Thankfully the rain held off for most of the evening so none of the guests got too wet and most of the food that Rich lovingly charred on the BBQ seemed to get eaten.

The littlest party comers seemed to have a great time playing in the garden and blowing bubbles, while Sam seemed a little overawed by the guests but was quite content to look around at everything that was going on.

There are some lovely photos from the day on the all new and improved Photo gallery that Rich has been busy working on – go and have a look at them here.

Sam’s weigh in

Sam - the little drummer boySam is very excited to be able to announce that he now weighs a dependable 8.14 kg (17 lb 15 oz). Because his weight gain has been so steady in the last couple of months Sam no longer needs such close monitoring and has graduated to getting weighed only once every 4 weeks!

After we had finished playing at the Children’s centre we headed off into the local park where they were having a ” Buggies in the park event” . There was all sorts of stands out as well as 2 different bouncy castles for the little ones (none for us adults unfortunately) some fun obstacle course/gym type set up for the more sturdy toddlers and even a tent with some animals from a petting zoo there. Sam seemed to be too young still to get much out of what was on offer, but he did enjoy a quick go in the drumming tent and he had a brief look at some of the petting animals but only half heartedly.

Hopefully when they hold the event again next year Sam will be able to enjoy all of the things going on.

Visiting Sam’s Grand parents

Sam with his GrandmaNow that Sam and I seem to have his feeding down to a fine art I felt that it was time to put my ability to get about to the ultimate test and make a trip to visit my parents in Kew. Oddly enough the distance to Kew isn’t really the issue but the lack of direct transport routes is. For us to get to Kew we need to catch two trams followed by two trains which takes just over 2 hours if everything goes well.

Luckily everything did go well today, we made our connections fine and even arrived there slightly early. Sam seemed to enjoy the journey and was keen to catch lot’s of fellow passengers eyes in an attempt to get them to smile at him.

Mum made her delicious leek and potato soup that I’ve always loved and Sam also got to try a bowlful which he seemed to enjoy though he did keep trying to wrestle the spoon from me. After his lunch he thought there was too much fun going on to have his nap, but after half an hour he did finally doze off and so I got to drink a nice cuppa tea with my parents out in the garden.

Thanks for having us Mum and Dad and hopefully Sam and I will be round to visit you both again soon.

Belated Fathers day

Rich with SamAs Rich wasn’t going to be returning from Silverstone until yesterday evening we had prearranged that he would take this Monday off and have it as his first fathers day instead.

Sam had chosen some presents for his Dad which he thought he would enjoy as well as making a very lovely card (which you can see on Rich’s blog) at one of his play groups. After Rich had had a lovely long lie in to help recharge his batteries we then had a bit of a lazy morning while planning what we were going to do to mark this special day.

Rich decided that he really wanted to take Sam out for his first swim and after a bit of calling round the local pools to find out the opening times we headed off to our nearest pool, bought Sam a special swimming nappy and were set to go. Rich went in with Sam armed with his favorite bath duck while I watched them enjoying themselves from the window at the side of the pool.

Much fun was had by both Sam and his dad so hopefully there will be more swimming trips in the future – I may even get to have a go myself 🙂

Park time!

Katie playing with SamRich went off yesterday to attend the British Grand Prix at Sliverstone with his dad and so has left Sam and me to try and get by without him. We were not too distressed though as we had already made plans to met up with Thea and Katie who had also been left unattended by Marcus as he had to work today.

Seeing as Sam and I really love Kelsey park we decided to show it off to Thea and Katie and so packed up a very tasty picnic and we all set off on the tram. We had a quick wander around the park and after finding a good spot to stop and eat the picnic we eat all that we could (I may have over catered just a tad…). Katie then made a new friend while we packed up and he seemed quite sad to see her go off with us to find the swings.

There was enough time to have a good play in the lovely playground and Sam got a go on the swings at the same time as Katie which he seemed to enjoy. Katie made some more friends in the park and I also somehow became responsible for spinning a bunch of kids on a roundabout thingy for about 10 minutes.

Unfortunately I can’t show you any photos of our trip today as Rich took the camera with him to Silverstone so on the left is an earlier shot of Katie with Sam – look how much Sam loves his cousin 🙂

Sam’s weigh in

Sam playingSam is pleased to announce that he has now reached the mature weight of 7.72 kg (16 lb 15 oz).

He is photographed here playing in the new Children’s centre which is a really lovely area with lot’s of great toys for babies and toddlers. I’m really looking forward to seeing Sam play in the sandpit and with the various craft supplies that are there for the older kids, but that may be a little while yet. Until then there are lots of drums, rattles, books and other toys that he is enjoying at the moment.

New neighbour?

Jumping foxA few months ago some muddy paw prints appeared on the wall in our garden and we wondered who the culprit might be…  well Sam and I meet him this morning.

It seems as though we have a neighbor we didn’t know about and he gave me the shock of my life when he appeared at the top of our fence while I was giving Sam his breakfast. He had a good sniff around the bird table and admired our flowers while I dashed off to grab the camera leaving Sam slightly bemused and a little peckish.

He’s a big-un isn’t he – I’m sure he is larger than most foxes and he looked pretty well fed. He didn’t pay Sam and me any attention and before long headed back over our fence. I wonder it we’ll see him again any time soon?

Steve’s Birthday gathering

Duncan, Sam & ChrisThe family Felton spent today out at Steve’s Birthday bash which took the form of a few hours out at a local park where the men became boys and played a bit of rounders as well as general larking about with a football and a rugby ball. Not that anyone knew how to play rugby… Steve only brought the thing along because he is Mr. Mars ball man and he managed to win about 11 different balls on the recent Mars online competition.

So the men messed about with all the balls, I had a couple of turns at rounders and the rest of the time Sam and I amused ourselves by watching the action from the sidelines. After the blokes had tired themselves out and decided they now needed food we all headed off back to Steve’s new flat and ordered a load of Indian food. Sam spent some time amusing his fan base and being generally cute… just look at him in that little shirt – isn’t he the most gorgeous baby ever? He decided that he didn’t want to sleep at Steve’s place though so after we had eaten our dinner Rich and I took noisy Sam back home and tucked him in to his cot where he went out like a light.