Tag Archives: Sam

Sam’s weigh in

Baby blueSam excited to be able to tell you that he now weighs a substantial 5.79kg (12lb 12 oz).

Sam is shown on the left modelling his new baby hat that was very kindly made for him by one of Rich’s mum’s friends. I’ll try and get a better shot of him in it soon for you as he looks so cute in it (but for some reason also reminds me slightly of ‘Ming the merciless’…)

Sam’s weigh in

Talkative SamSam is happy to be able to inform you that he now weighs an impressive 5.37kg (11lb 13 oz).

(The photo on the left is one one of the lovely shoots that Duncan managed to take of Sam on Sunday)

Fidget update:

Rich and I have been pretty worried about Fidget recently – last week she seemed to be twisted with her head tilted to one side and she fell over a lot. Because of being snowed in we didn’t take her to the vet and she seemed to recover on her own. However, on Monday night Rich saw Fidget having some sort of fit so on Tuesday we both took her to the vets expecting to hear the worst. Thankfully the vet seems to think that Fidget has an inner ear infection which is hopefully going to clear up after a week of antibiotics (if only she would drink it – naughty hamster!)

In other news I tried another yoga class last night and found it to be much better than the one I went to a couple of weeks ago. Hopefully after a few months of yoga I’ll be in much better shape and maybe even be able to squeeze myself into my old clothes again!

Samโ€™s weigh in

Bouncy SamSam’s latest weigh in results are just in and I’m happy to tell all you eager readers that Sam has reached a total weight ofย  5.7kg (11lb 3oz).

Yesterday Sam and I wandered round to visit a local friend for lunch. Being a lady of leisure is starting to have some advantages – I think I quite like being able to meet up with a friend to eat some very tasty chinese chicken followed up with a slice of rich chocolate cake. Sam was very well behaved and cooed happily while us ladies chatted away and after being much admired he had a quick nap on a bean bag. More trips out like this would be fantastic – anyone interested in inviting us round?

In the evening I tried out a new yoga class but unfortunately was a little disappointed by the style (a bit more mystical than I’m comfortable with) and found the teacher to be slightly useless. Hopefully I’ll find a decent class that I can join soon as I really need to start getting back in shape as I’m so tired of wearing maternity clothes and at some point in May I need to fit into a dress again…

Party time!

Party timeToday we all headed off to attend the first Birthday party for little Aedan (my good friend Katie’s little boy). I really enjoyed getting the chance to catch up with some of Katie’s family who I hadn’t seen for many years. Katie’s little sister is now all grown up (and much taller than she used to be!) where as her parents are still just as I remembered them with her dad maybe not being quite as scary as I used to find him ๐Ÿ™‚

Sam also seemed to enjoy himself even though he was a bit too small to join in playing with the other children there. He was much admired by the other mums who all looked at him fondly and remembered their own kids at Sam’s age. We also found out that Sam seems to enjoy bopping balloons – he amused himself for a good while with the one in the photo.

Thanks Katie for inviting us, we all really enjoyed ourselves and it was great to get out and meet some new people. Thanks also for Sam’s party bag, Rich and I helped him eat the cake on the way home ๐Ÿ™‚

All tuckered out

Tired SamuelWe’re just back from our new baby & toddler group and Sam fast asleep in his buggy. He’s been very cute again and did a real charm offensive on all the other mums. Sam seems to really enjoy watching all the other kids causing chaos and he even had a bit of a play on one of the mats himself.

Last night Sam managed for the first time to grip a rattle and shake it about. He seemed surprised and delighted and shook it about for a good 20 minutes, and even after the rattle had gone from his hand he still would give his arm the occasional hopeful shake ๐Ÿ™‚

I’ve also managed to keep one of my other promises to myself which is to try and dress Sam in something other than sleepsuits all the time. Today he wore a pair of his dungarees proudly as well as his favourite stripy jumper and the cute hat his auntie made him (she is so talented!) for Christmas.

3 months already!

Cara with SamTime has really flown by. Our little Sam has already reached the grand old age of 3 months and while I can clearly see (and feel – oomhp he is getting heavy!) that he is no longer a tiny baby I can’t quite believe it yet. During the last 3 months Sam has changed and developed so much that looking back at some of his early photos it’s hard to believe that he is the same baby.

Sam can now do the following:

– find his hand, chew it happily and almost get all of it in his mouth at once

– lift his head, look round and then head butt you when you are least expecting it

– smile winningly and be pretty much irresistible, especially when he is supposed to be going to sleep

– stretch out his legs and lift them up in the air when you hold his hands (we have no idea why)

– say impressive things like ‘a-goo’ and blow bubbles

– hit all the toys hanging from his play gym and occasionally knock them flyingTiny Sam

Sam’s auntie Cara came round to visit him today and was also impressed by how big he is now. She did a great job of holding him and giving him lot’s of attention and he enjoyed having another minion around at his beck and call. Cara also brought me some lovely Christmas presents – thanks so much Cara & Nick – I love them!

For those of you that have forgotten what Sam looked like as a newborn here he is – only just born, weighing only 5 lb 7 oz

Sam’s weigh in

img_1751As of yesterday Sam now weighs an exceptable 4.74kg (10lb 7oz) – my he’s getting big! Does anyone know of a way to stop him growing up so fast?

Today Sam and I went to our first proper baby/toddler group and are much relieved to have met some very friendly mums in the nearby area at last. I was very nervous beforehand, but I’m so glad that I went along as it was really nice to get out of the house and chat to some more experienced mums about what I’ve got in store in the near future.

Now I had best go back to baking flapjacks – wish me luck!

Happy New Year!

img_1702To help us celebrate New Year Rich’s Mum & Dad have come down from Northland to spend a couple of days with us. Yesterday we had both of them as well as my parents, Liz & Myf round to our house for a tasty lunch of jacket potatoes. Myf got her first look at Sam and seemed to approve of her newest cousin. Sam continued to be on best behavour and had all the adults assembled completely charmed.

After my family had headed off home Rich and I prepared for a quiet New Year staying in. We had some lovely Marks & Spencer party food with his parents and toasted the New Year with them a little earlier as they had to get back before the buses stopped running. We then managed to stay up until just gone midnight and shared the last of the champagne between us.

2008 has been a fantastic year for us and we really couldn’t have asked for anything more. We’ve bought our first home, had a sucessful pregnancy and now have the most lovely son imaginable. Thanks to all our friends and family for helping us through this very busy year – we wish you all the best for 2009 and hope that it is a happy year for all of you.

Happy Christmas!

Sam's first ChristmasHappy Christmas to all our readers – we hope you’ve all had a lovely Christmas day and are now enjoying what is left of the seasonal celebrations.

Rich, Sam and myself all had a lovely time spending Christmas at my parent’s home with my two other sisters, brother, little niece Katie, Kathy & Marcus. Somehow all ten of us managed to squeeze round the table for a fantastic Christmas meal (with Sam dosing in his sling on my lap). Thanks for all the lovely food Mum & Dad – especially the tasty desserts!

In the photo on the left you can see little Sam in his cute little jumper that a friend made up for him and the photo on the right shows Sam recovering after a tiring but very enjoyable Christmas.

Sam managed to charm everyone who saw him and he spent the day cooing and playing and having the Tired Samueloccasional nap time too. He is now babbling and cooing like a good-un and he is also smiling and playing really well. Sam would like me to take this opportunity to thank everyone for all his presents, he had a very impressive haul for his first Christmas – he had more presents than his dad and me put together!

Rich and I are now gearing ourselves up for some visitors from the north – Sam’s other grandparents! Little Sam is practising being as cute as possible for their visit while Rich and I rush around getting the house tidied up.