Sam visits cousin Katie

img_1854Sam has just got back from cousin Katie’s house where he spent the afternoon (we went with him too). Marcus treated us to a lovely roast dinner despite being a little worse for wear after a night of partying.

Me and Jessica had a go on Guitar Hero on the Wii. This is the first time I’ve had a go at any of the numerous Guitar Hero games and I was pleased when I managed to complete my first performance without being booed off. Sadly I decided to up the ante for my second attempt and failed to complete the song.img_1847

Samuel was very good for all the travelling but eventually got bored and a little upset. We’ve made a note to add some toys to the piles of supplies and equipment that we need to carry whenever we take him out.

Jessica has finally given me permission to publish a couple of the interesting things she’s said and I can continue the mouth-of-Jess feature.

“Jessica forgives but she doesn’t forget… she’s like a Camel”

“Alfresco means without trousers”*

* Note, Jessica is keen to point out that this was a joke and she was referring to the fact that Katie had just lost her trousers in an overenthusiastic hanging by the ankles game.

4 year date-a-versary

img_18564 years gone by already!

These years have really flown past and have definitely been the best years of my life so far. We’ve done so much together already and now we have baby Sam it seems like we are starting on a whole new part of our life.

Thank you sweetheart for being the best boyfriend & husband that I could ever have wished for 🙂

Coins and Sam

Coin shield

Coin shield

Have you noticed the weird design on the back of some of last year’s coins? Steve and I collected one of each value and put them together to form the image on the left.

In other news, I’ve created a special section of the site where I am going to stash some videos of Sam. It’s password protected so if you’d like to have a look send me an e-mail and I’ll give you the details.

The videos are in the same format as the one in this post so if you can see that you should have no problems with the others.

A trip to the theatre

Dick BartonThis evening I got the chance to join a group of work friends on a trip out to the Warehouse theatre in Croydon (Rich very kindly stayed home with Sam so that I could go). We started out by having a very tasty dinner in the lovely ‘Anna’s Thai’ restaurant (because Rich couldn’t come I made sure to have his favourite dish as it wouldn’t have been right going there without one of us ordering it). We then all dashed off to the theatre and made it there just in time to get a seat before the show started.

Dick Barton used to be a radio show produced by the BBC which is now long forgotten by most people apart from the good residents of Croydon who have been lucky enough to see some of the theatre productions done by the Warehouse which are loosely based on the original show. The productions are incredibly daft and full of bad jokes and silly songs as well as having the strangest story lines possible.

The Warehouse theatre stopped being able to do Dick Barton productions a few years ago due to the BBC refusing to give it permission to use the Dick Barton name. So for the last couple of years we have had ‘Young Dick Barton’ instead which gets around the permission problem. I loved the show (which I think is the 4th or 5th Dick Barton production that I’ve seen) and highly recommend it to everyone, so if you can still get a ticket be sure to go along.

A busy day…

bathtime_samSam and I were very happy to receive a visit from our good friend ‘future uncle Nick’ who popped over for lunch with a freshly baked loaf of bread that he had made himself (properly made at that – he did all his dough thumping himself, no use of a bread maker!). We ate Dairylea sandwiches, crisps and carrot cake and drank lots of tasty tea.

Unfortunately Sam got himself into quite a temper for some reason and so wasn’t his usual friendly self for the visit (sorry Nick) so to help calm him down we went off in search of a nearby pond. Because I was the one navigating us to it we wandered around aimlessly and didn’t manage to find it until Nick took control and lead us there (it worries me that my navigation is so bad as to be bested by someone who has no idea where he is going but still manages to find what I’ve been trying to get to). Sam calmed down/slept after his nice walk and by the time daddy came home he was in a much better mood.

Because of his general cuteness this evening we decided it was time for him to have his first go in the big bath (he’s been getting a little large for the bathroom sink) and you can see him pictured here getting into the bathing mood with the help of our bath thermometer duck. Sam doesn’t quite know what to make of the big bath but we think he enjoyed himself in a slightly surprised way.

Party time!

Party timeToday we all headed off to attend the first Birthday party for little Aedan (my good friend Katie’s little boy). I really enjoyed getting the chance to catch up with some of Katie’s family who I hadn’t seen for many years. Katie’s little sister is now all grown up (and much taller than she used to be!) where as her parents are still just as I remembered them with her dad maybe not being quite as scary as I used to find him 🙂

Sam also seemed to enjoy himself even though he was a bit too small to join in playing with the other children there. He was much admired by the other mums who all looked at him fondly and remembered their own kids at Sam’s age. We also found out that Sam seems to enjoy bopping balloons – he amused himself for a good while with the one in the photo.

Thanks Katie for inviting us, we all really enjoyed ourselves and it was great to get out and meet some new people. Thanks also for Sam’s party bag, Rich and I helped him eat the cake on the way home 🙂

All tuckered out

Tired SamuelWe’re just back from our new baby & toddler group and Sam fast asleep in his buggy. He’s been very cute again and did a real charm offensive on all the other mums. Sam seems to really enjoy watching all the other kids causing chaos and he even had a bit of a play on one of the mats himself.

Last night Sam managed for the first time to grip a rattle and shake it about. He seemed surprised and delighted and shook it about for a good 20 minutes, and even after the rattle had gone from his hand he still would give his arm the occasional hopeful shake 🙂

I’ve also managed to keep one of my other promises to myself which is to try and dress Sam in something other than sleepsuits all the time. Today he wore a pair of his dungarees proudly as well as his favourite stripy jumper and the cute hat his auntie made him (she is so talented!) for Christmas.

3 months already!

Cara with SamTime has really flown by. Our little Sam has already reached the grand old age of 3 months and while I can clearly see (and feel – oomhp he is getting heavy!) that he is no longer a tiny baby I can’t quite believe it yet. During the last 3 months Sam has changed and developed so much that looking back at some of his early photos it’s hard to believe that he is the same baby.

Sam can now do the following:

– find his hand, chew it happily and almost get all of it in his mouth at once

– lift his head, look round and then head butt you when you are least expecting it

– smile winningly and be pretty much irresistible, especially when he is supposed to be going to sleep

– stretch out his legs and lift them up in the air when you hold his hands (we have no idea why)

– say impressive things like ‘a-goo’ and blow bubbles

– hit all the toys hanging from his play gym and occasionally knock them flyingTiny Sam

Sam’s auntie Cara came round to visit him today and was also impressed by how big he is now. She did a great job of holding him and giving him lot’s of attention and he enjoyed having another minion around at his beck and call. Cara also brought me some lovely Christmas presents – thanks so much Cara & Nick – I love them!

For those of you that have forgotten what Sam looked like as a newborn here he is – only just born, weighing only 5 lb 7 oz

Samuel’s legs

Hopefully all the issues with the site will have been sorted by now – I have moved the hosting over to a new provider. I want to share this video of Samuel and his bizarre habit of straightening his legs whenever we hold his hands. Is this something all babies do or just something Samuel has developed on his own?